Ready to try something new?
Join the team for two weeks FREE by filling out the form below!
No previous rowing experience is necessary.
What to expect…
Rowing is simple to learn and impossible to perfect.
It is easy enough that you will be rowing in a team boat by the end of your first day, and it is hard enough that it can become a lifelong challenge after that.
When you arrive at the boathouse on your first day, you become part of the team. Your coaches and peers will help you learn your way around the facilities and identify kinds of oars, kinds of boats, and where you fit in to the day’s practice.
One of the coaches will teach you the basic technique on a rowing machine and then you will help your teammates carry your boat down to the water to learn how to get in. You will be able to row along in a team boat and gradually pick up the finer points of technique as you go.
Ready to row?
Summer practices start June 3, but even if you want to join later, you can still fill out the form and the coaches will email you to confirm the start date of your free rowing trial: